Helping Your Mind Nourish the Soul
All living things require nourishment from a source that is essential to their survival. This includes all plants and animals.
People also need their physical nourishment for survival. In addition, all people need nourishment for their soul; providing for their emotional well-being, their sense of worth, and their sense of personal happiness.
Creating a happier you is the Mission of Mind Nourishment for the Soul. Without nourishment, the soul will suffer from depression, anxiety, sadness, and fear. With our guidance, we can replace these emotions with one’s filled with Personal Empowerment, Peace, and Happiness.
Who We Are:
We are Professional Personal Development Coaches who together bring over 30 years of experience as therapists working with teens, young adults and families. We have had the joy of experiencing the success felt by so many of our clients over several years.
Dan & Amy Mahler have been together for over 26 years. Together, they have 2 adult children and a puppy.
While the earlier context of their lives varied in detail, they both found the same personal life mission. They devoted their lives to helping others achieve a sense of happiness and personal empowerment. They focused on working with teenagers, young adults, and their families. They were able to identify some underlying characteristics to be true for positive, healthy personal growth. These begin with a “sense of belonging” which forms the foundation for our life’s journey. They know and understand the detrimental impact that results from a critical self-perception, based on thinking errors and negative self-talk. These are the foundations for unhappiness, lack of self empowerment and personal failure.
Amy grew up in an urban environment where she had multiple social contacts. With her brothers and sister, her mother always made their home the “go-to” place for all their friends.
From this life experience, she learned about “sharing’, “inclusiveness” and developed her “sense of self”. She entered college feeling passionate about a professional education and career focused on helping others. She studied psychology and clinical social work, feeling connected to helping teenagers and young adults. She was challenged by her inability to intervene when young children with whom she worked were moved from foster home to foster home, so they “wouldn’t form emotional attachments”. She understood the detriments of a lack of “sense of belonging”. She vowed to make a difference in the lives of the many children who entered their teen years with this huge lapse in their personal development.
Dan, grew up in a rural environment where social contacts were extremely limited due to neighboring proximity. Born to immigrant (German) parents, he was the youngest of 7 children.
With such a large family, the primary relationships were with the siblings. Together they made their own “sports teams” and shared other activities. As they grew up they depended on each other in all of life’s challenges. Anytime support was needed, they relied upon each other to fill that need. They were their own social group until later in life. While they were financially “poor”, they felt “rich” because of their strong family relationships. This laid the foundation for future success.
During college, Dan became employed at a day treatment center for young children (ages7-8) serving as the group counselor. He stayed with this group of 15 kids for 3 years. From this experience, he learned of his passion helping children and young adults have an opportunity for moments of happiness and “feeling connected”. Dan pursued his education in clinical social work and has worked with children
and families across cultures, from Utah to Alaska, and throughout the Northwest.
Inevitably, Dan and Amy crossed paths sharing the same life and work passion. After over 30 combined years of continuing their work, having a family, and getting a puppy, they moved to Arizona to “retire”.
Knowing of the ever- increasing need for mental health services, they assessed how they could effectively contribute to being “a force for personal change”.
“Mind Nourishment for the Soul” and “Solution Coaching with Amy”, are the result of their passion. They know the positive impact that can be made with just a minimal time commitment to increase an individual’s sense of self. When desired, “Solution Coaching with Amy”, can provide you with more in- depth solutions that will help address and change issues immediately.
We invite you to give us the opportunity to help with your success. The first 2 weeks of our weekly insights/inspirations are free, and you can cancel at any time. Your first Solution Coaching session with Amy is also free.
Please join us and begin your journey to your own happiness, self empowerment and sense of peace. With little required of you, we can help “your mind nourish your soul”.